that's interesting! What pulled you towards Summer?

Wife just discovered that there's no calculator on the iPad :D :D :D :D

Which of Vivaldi's Four Seasons is your favorite?

it's meant to never be noticed. That's a good thing in my book.

that's nice of the Internet Authority in Japan…

that's… interesting… Why does your apartment network choose to be so?

Also, yeah, I'd assume that the snap store is IPv6 compatible, but they have zero presence on IPv6. No AAAA records. So you wouldn't be able to open their API gateway from your home network -

2018 was HOW many years ago?!?!

Trying to install a WP install on an IPv6-only host and I realized… Ubuntu's snap store isn't available on IPv6. WordPress' API as well as install file aren't available on IPv6. How exactly is IPv6 adoption doing? Not well.

just four hundred plus posts. Naaaaah. I deleted the Ghost blog right there and then. Ain't nobody got time for that!

reasons. All good reasons. Here's my I was still on 16.04 till last month - I'm lazy.
