2018 was HOW many years ago?!?!

Trying to install a WP install on an IPv6-only host and I realized… Ubuntu's snap store isn't available on IPv6. WordPress' API as well as install file aren't available on IPv6. How exactly is IPv6 adoption doing? Not well.

just four hundred plus posts. Naaaaah. I deleted the Ghost blog right there and then. Ain't nobody got time for that!


reasons. All good reasons. Here's my I was still on 16.04 till last month - I'm lazy.



I disagree. Remember - this is the Apple of planned obsolescence. They were doing it long before they acknowledged it and clearly they've never been found guilty of it.


Biden fires Architect of the Capitol after calls for his resignation

Oh snap! Where's Dan Brown?? Did he find the capstone yet?


plus, I kinda don't trust Apple with software updates any more. It's more for their benefit than ours, it seems. My iPad Mini 1 is stuck on iOS 9.3.4 and it works just fine. But it keeps prompting me to upgrade to 9.3.5 and I've read plenty of reports that 9.3.5 completely annihilated iPad Mini 1s…


"if it ain't broke…"

I tend to suffer from update fatigue. I'll do it in fits and starts. I only recently went from Ubuntu 16 to 20 (or whatever is the latest LTS. 24?) and had to create a whole new droplet in DigitalOcean because it wouldn't allow a direct upgrade.

Was forced to do it to get some new PHP features, otherwise I'd have avoided it for years!


its ok… Just a big, jarring difference! The icons are smaller and cutesier. Apple's Asiafication extends from iOS to macOS too. Didn't know that.


"daggum those nineteen nineties! I miss those good one eighteen nineties!"
