I like how after uBlock blocks a URL in my browser and I allow it, my DNS is like, "nuh-uh, you're not really trying to go here dude". :D

Good job, buddy.

it does, and it doesn't. Idle users will balk at it and drop off. Power users will figure out a workaround.


It's truly disappointing to me that Bing's GPT-4 Chat is "available only on MS Edge", but a User Agent change makes it work perfectly on FF and Chrome.

it's like Reddit - would you reply to something if you're unsure of the answer? You might get downvoted to hell and ridiculed for your inanity. Is it still worth it? Yes. Is it what people do? No.



that's nice! I did see something about Bob recommended to me on Audible recently. Seems interesting.

Have you read this Brandon Sanderson fellow? The first book in his most famous series (I don't want to butcher the name from memory), is 45 hours long!!! O_o


true, true… That's why it's important for some competent people to get into politics, for the greater good. "Philosopher kings" should translate into philosopher politicians now.



and he claimed there were no natives! The local flora and fauna would contest that, but he invaded with his <shudders> potatoes!



because those that have that are hard at work building instead of talking. I think.


read some recommendations that the audio performance is amazing, so went for it. Took me a month to finish it because I only listen to it during dishwashing. I'm very tempted to read The Martian too!


apparently a very famous one… Jobs had opinions on it, it seems.
