not that I know of. I know for sure though that Bing has specifically made it a point to not run on ff and Chrome (if they can detect it separate from their own MS-Chrome)

huh… I thought FF's market share is increasing? I don't see a reason NOT to use firefox. It's just better in so many ways!

Oh cool, so if I'm logged into the Bing Chat page, it doesn't work in Firefox, but if I'm incognito or not logged in, it works perfectly. Cool, cool.

TIL if you install dotenv in python with "pip install dotenv" you run into an error which is just unexplicably lame. All you have to do is "pip install python-dotenv" instead. Cool.

huh… good to know. What a weird little bug!

"Adding 4821 links from Instapaper to Omnivore…"

Hmmmm. Oops.

cheapest oil available to them?

in my Mentions section, the latest mention is from you from 2018. Did something happen to the server and the backups that I missed while I was offline?

I keep looking at tools like Omnivore and LogSeq and thinking about moving to them. But then I go back to WordPress, iOS Notes, Day One, and my custom-built liveblogging tools. Because it's not the tool that's going to help me write more. It's overcoming the fear of the blank page.

The new PowerPoint is way powerful. Making presentations is a breeze, and it's letting me explore designs I wouldn't even have considered in the past.