I don't understand. Are you saying this Pizzey person is worth reading? Or not worth reading?


eh. I like YA stuff, but there's some which just seem lame. I hated Madeline L'engle's Wrinkle in Time because the ending felt weak. But Ursula K Le Guin's Wizard of Earthsea had a similar "believe in yourself" ending, and it felt very nice. Make with that what you will.

Nice books you read there.


well, so… there's a proposal winding through WP right now to add sqlite as a possible core. If/when that's added to core, that'll enable Cloudflare D1 as an option too. So someone is interested in speed there… :D


I've always considered myself to be a fiction reader. Non-fic, specially the "I'm a man and I'm awesome" types or "I'm a man and you can be awesome like me" types have always been a bore for me.


it's not "knowledge" knowledge. I'm reading the lives of feminists, women artists, writers, etc. Really digging into feminist biographies nowadays. Totally interesting non-fiction. But yes, can't get enough of it!


Very tempted to think there should be a way to get WordPress working with Cloudflare D1 DB, with perhaps a Cloudflare Worker acting as translation engine between WP's MySQL calls and D1's API. Benefits? Speeeeed!

Got one of the weirdest errors in MS Word today - the custom dictionary is full, so the new word wasn't added.

So… Word is not meant for non-native English writers, technology writers, sci-fi and speculative fiction writers, PhDs, and anyone else who uses a lot of non-English words??

Hmmm. I’m spending way too much time reading non-fiction this year.

I am SO done with AirPods. The feature that they can quickly change between Apple devices is more bane than boon. It's constantly moving off to my iPhone despite me running audio on my Mac.

the ban was reverted the very next day. You can't run on the Internet by pissing off the people who empower a third of the sites that run on it.
