so… Whereabouts are you?


indeed! :)


hehe. I started it… I'm so bad at remembering things (and correlating age and facts) that I just had to ask!

Oh the good ol' days of me hunting down and spam-blocking such accounts!

I grew tired of how much memory Ghostery consumes on WinChrome. Back to uBlock Origin for now.

I dare say I expect it to be quite like that for me too… :P


I'm 28 going on 29… :)


hahaha! Nice!


now I'm curious… How old do you all think I am? Ballpark… Have I ever revealed this?


I'm not interested in most of that information either, but I do want accurate human visit stats to my sites, something which I've never been able to get.

I once reached out to the ppl behind Jetpack for WP to ask them why their stats are so bad, and to give them suggestions (and new bot names to ignore), but they blandly told me to go use some 3rd party plugin which would give me more control over the stats. I guess Jetpack isn't really meant to be power-user-friendly, just user-friendly…
