wait, which frameworks do you use?


oh no we're talking about app.net…

I'd rather these new places remain social networks.


it was something like an app platform before. It can go back to being that. Nothing special needed.

I would love to get rid of videos. The way they've flooded the Explore tab is horrible.

You don't browse on it?

once it goes away, do you think there's scope for it to come back? Maybe they'll just resurrect the domain as something else… As it was before…

wow… The Instagram icon has been a while… So you've just not updated it at all since then?

hehe… Well, yeah, think about it and tell me… :)

sad… Path was always an interesting place. WhatsApp replaced most of the 'network' part of things for me. The functionality was nice though…


how many people did you communicate with on Path?


I've known founders all too well. Used to have chats with the founders of IFTTT before it blew up, Dalton was very present before ADN became what it became, and who knows, maybe Matigo will become more reserved when 10C blows up.

Path was never like that. There's no Global, there's no common underlying network. There's just your network and no other exists…