hmmm… I'll try it out regardless… Thanks!

yeah… Odd little thing… Double-space-to-full-stop is absent, which is an irritation, but the larger keys seem to work nicely!

I'll use it some more and see if it suits my taste… :)

I'm going to try this Rhomboard keyboard for iOS. Bigger keys after better, after all -

maybe it'll all come in a flood after it shuts down? Mine expired… I asked for all my data in Jan but didn't bother to actually download it… :P

Jeez, PiDay and my RasPi is sitting at home, turned off…

I got it for free and looking at it's history, it keeps going free every once in a while, if you're willing to wait.

And yes, it is a great solution! While I've usually stopped picking up calls anyways, it's good to see Robofence give me that small "probably a spammer" message underneath a call… :)


I know the best policy is not to pick up an unknown number and to let it go to voicemail, but there's also this option - Any one of the following -

Paid but cheapest -

Free/IAP -


yeah, exactly… I use a VPN which connects to servers in the EU (TigerVPN) and it works just fine. Not sure why I would want to use DNS like that…


That's ugly!

But Google Forms did the job… :P

that's what I ended up using! Thanks! :)