I sure am not looking forward to the portless iPhones of 2021. So yeah, worth buying something before that.


even the rain on Sunday was gorgeous! It's a beautiful valley!


iPhone will probably come in non-5G versions which will be cheaper (+/- based on whether they throw in the 'premium' features which will definitely be in the 5G version). So it'd be worth it to buy the 2020 cheaper versions instead of the 2019 high end versions. Let's see…


the victim of the crime thing is interesting!

In Botswana, the police would question and potentially punish a homeowner if they attacked a thief, with the common refrain being, "Why did you shoot him? He was just trying to steal stuff."


hopefully the city council will continue to have the boldness with which they've taken the decision to let someone new into the market.

But guess what? watch out for an unspoken deal between TDS and Comcast where TDS won't touch many of their localities and just deploy to easier-to-work-with urban markets, thus ensuring Comcast still has full monopoly over the rural and suburban markets, while now being able to claim no monopoly exists.

It's a shame the definition of monopoly doesn't include duopoly or oligopoly in general.


the whole "don't start sentences with because or and" thing is just stupid to me…



I wonder if there's a proxy for YouTube. One that fudges your data so you can use the site/watch the videos and Google gets no new data about you, or your viewing habits.



a book about AI that I'm reading has this explanation about the algo -

“By 2018, however, it was clear that YouTube's new reward function also had problems. A longer viewing time didn't necessarily mean that viewers were happy with the suggested videos—it often meant that they were appalled, outraged, or couldn't tear themselves away. It turned out that YouTube's algorithm was increasingly suggesting disturbing videos, conspiracy theories, and bigotry. As a former YouTube engineer noted, the problem seemed to be that videos like these do tend to make people watch more of them, even if the effect of watching them is terrible. In fact, the ideal YouTube users, as far as the AI is concerned, are the ones who have been sucked into a vortex of YouTube conspiracy videos and now spend their entire lives on YouTube. The AI is going to start suggesting whatever they're watching to other people so that more people will act like them. In early 2019, YouTube announced that it was going to change its reward function again, this time to recommend harmful videos less often. What will change? As of this writing, it remains to be seen.”

source [aiweirdness.com]



Ah, nice! Good to know… Thank you muchly!