how much is it setting you back?

I see on Insta that you’ve kept up the habit… that’s awesome!

that sounds exciting!!

is there an emoji here that I don’t see?

yeah that’s what it feels like! Sad to see such a good service go that way. Competitors are hopping up to catch the deluge of Android users flooding out right now…

Ah! Thank you! 😊

A year on from Apple News+, how many people have renewed their subscription? Has it been worth it? Do you see that Magzter provides the same thing for $40 cheaper? Has COVID-19 affected your decision to renew?

Ok @Apple, buying Dark Sky, interesting move. Closing down Android versions, douche move. Shuttering the API? Totally a dick move! What gives???

unpkg, jsDelivr, cdnjs… Which others?