Instagram showed me an advert for Facebook Groups, telling me I can support local business through this feature. Obviously I reported the ad as “spam or misleading”.
@joeo10 I keep thinking I want an external storage for my iPhone… Either a lightning connect compatible USB drive, or one of those wifi drives… the problem with both being they're manual processes to sync, instead of just sitting and syncing in the backend like cloud services like Google Photos do…
@matigo also, they took my suggestion on twitter and added it to their list :D :D
Can 1Password also support text expansion? Specially for filling in my email to new sites I'm creating a login on? Would be a killer feature!
@phoneboy what kind of office work puts your home near your bandwidth caps? Media related work?
// @matigo
Docker is like, "hey, your new docker container is called sad_chandrasekhar" and I'm sitting here, wondering what happened in Chandrasekhar's life to make him sad!