I have an IFTTT test account… today's the last day to get Pro…

Should I try this? (if it fails, should I try 25 cents?)

If it's 25 cents, I'll never turn IFTTT off. Too perfect a price for Pro features :D

screen shot 2020-10-07 at 10.16.56 am



that's brilliant! I've often run into safari being a jerk and not offering to connect to 1pass. I'll try the share sheet method next time!



hollleyyy sheeeet. I didn't even try something under $2! Darnit!


I hope the person who created scrunched up arrow keys for laptops gets a fresh paper cut every day for the rest of their lives.

25 cents?? I did sign up for IFTTT Pro for $2/mo for now. Will try it for a month or two and see if it makes sense.

Some things are appealing - their Pro features include scripting in JS to build 'filters' on tasks, which I've started using to build a specific task I'm playing with.

What did you mean by 25 cents?


but wouldn't you be able to better serve the people you're catering to in a higher position? Perhaps mid-level manager with eyes set at directorship within a few years?


"The site at https://twitter.com/ has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired."

lolwut? Firefox?

it's almost as if they're asking you to be normal as the rest of the company. Would give you some nice work-life balance and time to work on outside endeavors, wouldn't it?


there's like, seven of you right there!


you mean the $750 man.
