lol… a config screen… I had an stupor-like dream about it some time ago… Just a simple row of tick boxes below the Send button on the Create screen. Localstorage would keep your options saved on your browser.

But… I'm lazy and want to x-post everywhere anyways. Plus, there's no way in holy hell this thing is ever going to work with images natively, so the config options just never made sense…

@kdfrawg hahah! :D


how was it?

wow! Touch wood! That there is a good job!

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg I thought you've been you for longer than that! I'm closing up on that number!


now that you have that, you have long tweeting capability… I took your code which extracts the tweetURL and extended it so that > 140 char tweets get broken up into 140 char chunks and loop-posted. The first tweet's URL is the one that gets saved into the text.txt file, so ppl can see tweets as a thread on the site…

I get that the icomoon stuff is on your dev branch perhaps, but I didn't see any of the icons on my test endpoint ->

Also, search reveals icomoon is mentioned only once -

that sounds less like temp and more like years married… :D :D

// @kdfrawg

and neither is play time. I start the xbox once a week when I want to play a story mode game. Why would 'upgrades', mostly related with multiplayer crap interest me? And why not download them and ask me to install later, as everything Windows is wont to do?!

Fucking shit #xbox. Battlefield 1 got an 8 GB update 10 days ago and again it wants a 9.8 GB update? What the heck is wrong with you idiots?