yeah… wait, did I get that wrong? Median or mean?

zsh is pretty nice and does play well with bash and sh. So those are good considerations to have. Don’t want to suddenly break every last script people have written!

yeah I am not using it. But it’s interesting to see…

Just discovered that Apple moved to zsh in Catalina. Ehhhhh. I don't have an opinion on this yet, but… let's see.

Here’s an idea - news sites and blogs shouldn’t push people to join their newsletter as soon as one opens the site. If a person reads your entire article, they’re maybe the kind of person who might be interested in the newsletter. Feels like #web #ethics.

Heard @Chelsea_Fagan talk about how median age of MSNBC viewers is 65. The person I see quoting them a LOT is @davewiner. Lo, his age is exactly 65!!

Something seems wrong with xkcd's image CDN. Images aren't loading right now…

pretty cheap nowadays… 😄