@kdfrawg you're in a league of your own!


Just saw a license plate which said "Happiness is being Norwegian"

indeed. At first it seemed innocent do connect Facebook friends on Instagram. Thought they'd have a different feeling on the photo network. But it just started feeling like the same noise and same everyday nonsense. I think I'll just start dropping them instead.

haha yeah they've gone a step to far.

I also made a new Instagram account today to experiment with happiness. My current account is full of Facebook friends now and it's causing me sadness. So I made a new account.

The first thing Instagram asked me for was my contacts and Facebook friends. Darn thing.

FB just sent me a notification asking if I knew a completely random person I've never met in my life, and who has only 6 'friends' #failing

lol we all need linters for English words!


You folks know about the AmpMe app right? It takes care of #MNDP in a very nice way!

The air outside my office has been smelling of cabbage all day. It's just too odd!

@schmidt_fu hmmm… Doesn't look bad on Android… :)

// @kdfrawg

Some time ago, json.parser.online.fr died. That was a sad day for me.