@literary I want an android phone just so I can do stuff like that! :D
@hazardwarning if you don't install the certificate, all that happens is that the connection between a reader and cloudflare will be encrypted (and secure), but the connection between cloudflare and your website will not be encrypted.
If you install the certificate, the connection will be secure all the way. That is best, but not necessary.
@matigo correct me if I'm wrong there.
// @pamela
@pamela cloudflare is not hosting… it is just DNS management. They'll even preserve your godaddy hosting, but will just take over DNS management and make it better…
// @matigo
@hazardwarning I don't know our specific problem, but shifting to cloudflare will give you a lot more control and unlimited sub-domains and CNAME entries!
// @matigo @pamela
@matigo unfortunately because that's another thing for @pamela to sign up for. I love cloudflare. All except one of my 8 domains are on cloudflare!
@matigo there's a way to set www or * as a CNAME of the other, and then that one to point to the aws link you mentioned.
// @pamela unfortunately, we all seem to trust cloudflare a lot. Free account and great features. Would make things easy for you too if you were to shift there.
It's easy too - create a free account with cloudflare and they should be able to import your current settings themselves.
@joeo10 yeah I also stopped. I opened it recently and it loaded fast enough, but it's got too much crap to keep using it.
Every time I think I want to use the google search ios app, I remember that it's terrible. E.g. Search by image is not available.
@matigo folks like Aral Balkan shilling for it. And I don't think it'll affect Manton's thing. It'll come with its own fan following.
// @phoneboy @thrrgilag