isn't all user data very 'little actual solid matter'? :D


one kind of wrapper around SQLite for React and React Native. I discovered it, it looked nice, I coded it up, and then when I ran it, fail. All because I'm using Expo, which is incompatible with things other than the ones they've specifically built compat with. The SQLite wrapper they do support is pretty shit.

I know! That's just silly… There's no reason for them to ask everything to be filled manually!

Why is the state of all cross-platform app tools so broken? I just want to create a react native app using Expo and WatermelonDB. Spent 3 hours writing code before realizing the compatibility doesn’t exist! #bah

It's amazing that even now, when an online form asks us for information, we tend to fill the correct info. eg- Google Starbucks asking name, email, and zip code. When will we learn?

I wish they would pivot… Gosh, it's a horrible experience, that too in Google's own News app!


I just realized that Firefox having sunset the RSS feed viewer feature of their browser means all RSS feed links will now try to be downloaded as files. That is, well, very, very stupid. Show it as XML!!!

VPN adblockers just drop the request ungracefully. I'd rather they display a blank page, but that doesn't happen, it seems. The problem is on Android's front. On iOS, when in-app content doesn't show, it either shows a blank page, or just doesn't load the element (like in games). On Android, it insists on showing those ugly errors in apps, while in games, it too skips the elements.

So, I use a VPN based adblocker on Android and most apps show ugly "host not found" errors in the space where the ad is supposed to be. Is there a way to stop that? Or an adblocker that doesn't do that on Android?

but it is interesting how the media changes its tone just as well…