coz they need to cater to everyone? But there's always mirrors to stuff like this, no?

heh. True…

bottom right red thingy icon means "hurt your iPhone"?

In other news, I'm not updating to iOS 10 on this phone. Screw that!

Hit update all by mistake on my phone. Walked back for some of the apps I do NOT want to update for iOS 10.

no. The second set only runs social media. The rest of the Internet still runs on the first set.

image.png This CSS seems broken on an iPhone 6. I'm assuming this is a known issue? Mobile safari on iPhone 6.

I guess this is a good time to buy the Drafts app for iOS? One question to people here who own the app - can I type something and have it open in the Google search app?

@kdfrawg sorry to hear about the diseases. Hope you're keeping up hope.

@kdfrawg hope that's all keeping you the good kind of busy!