I know, I know! :P
Yeah, I clicked on the countries… :)

yeah that is strange! (and twitter just went down again for me)

hehe. Tech sites are also giving coverage and a lot of them are still up!

yeah… I guess they're also down… :P

You and your love of Check Point!

I'm waiting for the map to go live… It's not going live the way the norse map does…

This map, by the way, folks, is very interesting to look at… http://map.norsecorp.com/

(give it some time to load, and close it quickly, it's a memory hog like no other!)

@skematica don't get me wrong, I love that map… :)

@skematica I seriously had to look hard to see the relevance of the Submarine Cable Map to DDoS… :P

I downloaded 1 social app for this phone last night - Twitter - and Twitter was down today because of a massive DDoS attack going on. Wow!

woah! Say what now?