Oh I know what Trump will do over the next two days! Binge watch The West Wing, of course!
@kdfrawg I rather like this life where we at least have Doctors we can't afford.
// @tomas @nitinkhanna
@streakmachine kinda the feeling I just got when I watched a clip of Milo Whatchamacallit (nero on tw) explaining gamergate. He has some good points, but he's a vile, insolent oaf.
@kdfrawg I dare say we would all still be roaming the steppes if we hadn't settled down and grown some wheat.
// @tomas
@tomas more turbulence, I suppose. Some people are storm chasers.
// @matigo @phoneboy @larand
@tomas heh. She was always more comfortable with the exposure on tw.
// @matigo @phoneboy @larand
@tomas yeah… too much of that stuff is just fluff on tw. Most of these people don't have the ***** to come after someone in real life…
// @matigo @phoneboy @larand
- What? I heard this place was family friendly… :P