I have it. It's gooood!


they have a linux beta floating on their forums, no?

kinda the feeling I just got when I watched a clip of Milo Whatchamacallit (nero on tw) explaining gamergate. He has some good points, but he's a vile, insolent oaf.

@kdfrawg I dare say we would all still be roaming the steppes if we hadn't settled down and grown some wheat.


more turbulence, I suppose. Some people are storm chasers.


heh. She was always more comfortable with the exposure on tw.


yeah… too much of that stuff is just fluff on tw. Most of these people don't have the ***** to come after someone in real life…


  • What? I heard this place was family friendly… :P

that, I've heard…


@kdfrawg good! :)


the flame wars are interesting, but the ugliness which people throw at her is not…
