@jws I'm using some massively old PHP code which is totally someone else's and totally patchwork. Some day in the future, I'll fix it all, but right now, it posts to ADN, 10C, and twitter (using codebird php) just fine…
// @matigo
@jws I'm using some massively old PHP code which is totally someone else's and totally patchwork. Some day in the future, I'll fix it all, but right now, it posts to ADN, 10C, and twitter (using codebird php) just fine…
// @matigo
It never fails to surprise me how software testing often leads to the most inelegant version of things get out.
@matigo nevermind. My curl needed the data to be in JSON format… with curly braces and all… Got myself a token now! :)
@matigo nice! You've got more creative bones in your body than most of us then! :)
client key == client guid
https://api.10centuries.org/auth/login is the right login endpoint, right?
I'm getting a 400 Unrecognized Credentials for a client I just created…
@jasonechols tell your bank to block payments. That usually gets these people to call you up real fast.
// @JeremyCherfas
@matigo well, in my case, for example, I code and I write. So I've got Ulysses, Scrivener, Xcode, and Sublime Text which are open all the time on any given day.
But so many apps are just noise. I feel I've surrounded myself with too many apps and now my concentration is spread thin because of that…