Ah. Thanks for the lesson! I've forgotten much of my electronics engineering… :D


no, it was on computers… So we in the poorer countries didn't needs separate video CD players to watch stuff. Just pop the CD into the computer, launch VLC and enjoy!

I wonder what was the impact of VLC in killing off hardware CD players and consolidating all viewing to computers?

yeah, that's what's most attractive about the PiZW… That, and the awesome form factor! It's so small it can become part of a mobile phone's case! :D


4A won't burn down the Pi?? I thought it's supposed to not exceed the 5V/2A rating?


Oooh! And here I am, thinking of buying a Zero but still not convinced what I'll use it for…

Comments on using the zero with a car charger though?

The idea is that I can put it in a small box and carry it on trips.

Context - was in yellowstone recently and a friend with Android wanted to send pics to my S/O on her iPhone. There simply was no way to do it without network! I thought of buying one of those portable media management thingies, but then thought, "hey, if I setup a Pi as a portable media server thingy, I can save some moolah!" :D


the only USB peripheral I have is a WiFi module. Thanks for confirming. I certainly don't want to fry my only Pi… :)


oh of course… that's where it came from, after all, no?

yeah, India is where WhatsApp is most used and where WhatsApp abuse is most prevalent… It kinda makes sense to me to block all VOIP numbers, even though I've also run into this problem before!

no no… The cigarette lighter… I have a cigarette lighter charger which spits out 5V/2.4A of power, so wondering if I can power the RasPi with it…