seems to be… A little odd though, since it happens only on this network. At least it keeps working!

doesn't happen on my home network, just office network…

why does iOS seem to disconnect from wifi when trying to connect to VPN and then connect back once the VPN is established?

true, true. ?

@kdfrawg not unusual for this country. I'm just surprised it took them so long to get to me. Everyone I know has been called up like that once or twice.

since I'm Indian, I got targeted by Nigerian or some such. Their accent was decidedly African. I was very tempted to ask to talk to a white person, just for kicks! ?


so I've heard.

meh. They've not invented the game. Someone stole my university deets and sold it to them. As they say in India, "this is Kalyug! These things are expected!"

Got a call from +1 (650) 947-2770 (official number of some police dept in CA) about my Masters being under IRS audit due to some irregularities in the payments. I tried hard to understand their voice, but something was wrong in the network and their voice kept dropping. The woman speaking to me finally got frustrated and cut the call. I called back and spoke to the reception and the lady there told me that scammers have spoofed their phone number and are using it to scam people. I guess there's some benefit to AT&T giving bad service around my office?

Is there an option for selective read receipts in iMessage in iOS 11 beta?