TIL about the Oneida Community, which was a Christian commune that imploded into… a silverware company! 😄

oh that sucks! I do hope you get visitation rights. Didn't know Japan is so weird about that.



I just read about your divorce for the first time. So sorry to hear about it! I hope you’re doing ok. Do you have visitation rights?

I apologize if that’s personal and you don’t feel like answering!



a zen koan mindset :)

Kindle has supported only mobi on all their devices as well as the app for a long time. Instapaper sends a weekly compiled list of my read laters to Kindle in mobi format, which is how I got an email from Amazon saying "bro, you know you gotta stop, right?" :D


pure bash?? Woah… that's gotta be… painful!


I read all my RSS feeds on it.


When did Kindle say they're dropping mobi support? Is mobi finally dead? ePub FTW?!

iPhone 12 Pro, and I’m reading blogs on my RSS feed reader. Both short and long posts. What do you think?


What’s a great font for reading on mobile? I’m bored of Avenir Next. Please recommend some!