@kdfrawg Cloudflare?
@joeo10 so I've heard. Seems to be a fixable issue though, maybe with a firmware fix.
I was looking for a reason to not buy the Apple Watch S3 and I found it - AT&T wants to charge $10/watch/mo for cellular access. I already pay through the nose for AT&T. Not gonna throw more money at them.
@kdfrawg Hmmm. Sorry, let me rephrase that - Most people in India read the English Wikipedia, not the Hindi one. So the article does belong there. Though you're right - I should check the Hindi Wikipedia for it.
What was that iOS game in which the hero kept dying and the next version of it that came would use the previous one to jump higher or cross some bridge easily?
@kdfrawg it's Amazon. They can buy the company that owns the site, let alone the site itself! :D
Why do a lot of "free" Unlimited VPN apps on iOS App Store have a strange code at the end of the text? Case in point - Umbra VPN and the code "d67e7c1186". Is this a way for spammers to track their uploads? Is Apple watching this?