@matigo angry looking white guys have a lot going for them!
@phoneboy hmmmmmmmmm… Ok, you tempt me. I'll buy an AP first and survive on pre-gound coffee for a bit, then take that call.
// @height8 @hazardwarning
@phoneboy cheap is $25 for a year's supply of filters along with the aeropress.
// @height8 @hazardwarning
@hazardwarning grounding coffee? Just having to manually use the aeropress in the morning is giving me the itch! I sure am not gonna ground those beans myself! :P
// @height8
@hazardwarning aero press works with coffee beans? I've been wanting to buy this thing but I'm loathe to buy coffee grounds.
// @height8
@hazardwarning interesting that they offer to ground it when you buy them.
// @height8