@kdfrawg social networks are asynchronous… You've never missed it!

you don't know if it's interesting… Self-loathing helps, but not always… :)

@kdfrawg nice!!! Good to know the usual lengths… I've got a fiction stuck at about 50k words and going nowhere… But I know the story is far from complete…

How many of us are writers of fiction? Say Aye!

@kdfrawg what's your upper limit?


SimpleNote started out fine for me but quickly devolved into a mess. Folders! I need folders! That's why DTouch still works wonderfully for me… That, and Dropbox sync… :)
Although on the Mac, I prefer simply using Ulysses with DTouch…

you're better off taking the bus at times…


your twitter NBCNightlyNews link is borked, probably because Thrump got them to remove the friggin tweet, because screw freedomofspeech, amIright?