@streakmachine I hope this picks up and forces companies to reconsider. Smaller, more frequent updates are not in any way a problem.
@joeo10 for some apps/games, it makes sense. If Night Sky comes up with a 300 MB update, I'll take it. If every update from Facebook is 300 MB, I'm out.
The limit, for me, is not about how much I can store or download, just about how they treat our phones as places to dump crap for future noise.
I'm still very, very confused by Polaroid Swing. I'm on it, using it, getting it, but still.
I have a new policy regards iOS app updates - no updates over 150 MB will be downloaded.
Updated my liveblogging script to include support for RSS and micro.blog - https://github.com/nitinthewiz/TheLiveblog
@kdfrawg hehe. My worry was more about bad code than insecure code. I know/don't care if in this instance, I screw something up with this code. It'll maybe not hurt much. We'll see.
But yeah, if I had screwed up the code, debugging it would be a pain. But that didn't happen. Incremental code changes are awesome!
p.s. my liveblog now posts to micro.blog
@kdfrawg so I shouldn't worry so much about it? :P
<I've started saying 'about' in the Canadian way in my head for fun>