I wouldn't mind that

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg Seattle… So… water…

homeopathy. Less is more.

Packed in the bus like first world sardines.

Waaaait. Dan Brown's Inferno and the movie Inferno have different endings???? What the heck?!

Folks, I wrote a thing about a book I finished reading last night -> http://www.nitinkhanna.com/originreview/

Good folks, I'm looking for a plugin to inject Wikimedia images to Wordpress posts as featured images. Is there such a thing?

both the movie and the soundtrack. And the win in the end. And how conflicted he is about either running or preaching. And how they show those English institutions when he gets to the 'big city'.

@kdfrawg yes but I kinda liked that about the movie. ?

Bug in iOS 11 where if you tap the time icon in the battery usage settings page, the view scrolls down by a bit. Because, hehe, why would Apple test such basic functionality, right?