Mic testing.
@matigo I tried to use it because it was so easy. But the app always kept crashing for me. Good for me!!!
Good riddance to #MovesApp. I was never comfortable with the way Facebook just silently steals people's data, plus the app never actually worked for me ?
Is that lightning I spy at Redmond side? That'd be a nice exciting change for Seattle area weather ?
@JeremyCherfas oh wait, it's got a $10 paperback too. But……… https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1902301927/ref=xgrwglidebb?ie=UTF8&tag=xgrwglidebb-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1902301927&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2