iPhone Tenner, now in Yellow!!!!!!!!!!!
“Thousands of photos you have” ?? nope they’re all in Google Photos. Because Apple is cheap when it comes to Cloud!
@JeremyCherfas I've turned on webmentions. I just don't understand how the indieweb post kinds reconcile with the WordPress post kinds. Like, I created a bookmark and a reply and the WordPress post type is 'Standard'. It seems to work normally. But if I change it to Aside, it seems to show better (because it doesn't have a title space), but the URL doesn't work, because an Aside doesn't have URLs. :\
IndieWeb folks - I want to use the IndieWeb plugin to make both linkblog and normal posts on my WordPress blog. Do I just need the Post Kinds addon plugin? Can someone guide me?
My fitness tracker to me - “11 minutes racked up. Rome wasn’t built in a day either ?”